Greetings!! (go back »)

July 27 2008, 3:55 PM


Im Miss Murderess. I dont know wat to say honestly. Hmmm.... lets see. Im your average girl, average body/height. Nothing to special about my appearence, so i dont aim to be beautiful, my goal is to be strong enough to protect myself and those i love. I think this because i have three sisters, all beautiful, the one 2 yrs older then me is one of those who dresses skankly (no matter how any times we yell at her) and is a twig but has nothing. Yet guys still flock to her, but they run away once her childish, rude and attitude comes out... But she family...and i love every single one of them!!

Due to a break up.... im not sure of anything anymore. I know who i am and what i want in life. Its just.... i put all my trust in him..... i loved him with all my soul, he truley made me believe that he would never leave me. But then he decided to ignore me for three weeks, then break up with me on facebook, on status no less..... that shot watever selfesteem i had in me. Did i mean so little to him that he just left me like that, he just threw me to the ground and ran, while all the sand got in my eyes. For months i cried.

While it comes back to haunt me at times, i keep walking forward. I cant let this hold me back from my future, i cant let every trival thing hold me back from my dream. I miss being able to run to someone to cry on, but i have realized something... when things get hard, only you can save yourself, no one else but you. I will save myself.

Well im going to go... i dont want to give u a novel to read. Well hope to talk to you.

-Miss Murderess



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